
Alchemy Virtual Tabletop

Created by Alchemy RPG

The most immersive way to play tabletop role-playing games online. Welcome to the pre-order store for the Kickstarter campaign, Alchemy RPG: A Reimagined Virtual Tabletop. The prices and rewards (including stretch goals) are the same as they were during the campaign and are available until we lock in order quantities. Please note, we are waiting to charge for shipping and sales tax until we are closer to fulfillment. After shipping fees and tax are added in, you will be notified via email before your payment is charged. For estimated prices and taxes, please look at the bottom of the Kickstarter page.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Subscription codes, first wave of title codes, Backer Box sample, and more!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 03:09:16 PM

 Hey Backers,

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Alchemy HQ! Last week we sent out our first distribution of redemption codes for subscriptions and Backer Accounts. Today we’re stoked to be delivering the first wave of codes for titles! Please read the important details below on our delivery plan and how to redeem your digital rewards! Let’s get into the update…

Subscription Codes & Backer Accounts

Beginning on Tuesday of last week, we started rolling out codes for 6 month, 1 year, and lifetime Alchemy Unlimited subscriptions. We did find a small discrepancy in the 6 month list, so if you’re still waiting on yours, you’ll be receiving it today!

IMPORTANT NOTE: You don’t have to redeem your subscription codes right away! – If you would rather wait to start your Alchemy Unlimited subscription until the games you want to play are delivered, that’s completely fine. There is no expiration date on any codes we deliver. We’ve had many requests from backers who want to get their subscriptions started now, so we wanted to get those codes out as soon as possible. If you’d rather wait for your favorite game to be supported before starting your subscription, see the title distribution update below to get a better sense on when that might be.

Everyone should also have their codes for the Alchemy Backer Account. If you missed the email notification, you can access your available digital downloads in BackerKit here. If you’re not seeing your Backer Account or subscription codes, please reach out to [email protected] and let us know!

Wave 01 Content Code Distribution

We’re excited to announce that we will be rolling out the first wave of title redemption codes TODAY! Here’s what you’ll be receiving in Wave 01:

Fantasy Deck + Backer Box Backers

  • Epic Encounters: Arena of the Undead Horde
  • The Griffon’s Saddlebag: Book II
  • Music D20: Volume II
  • CZEPEKU Scenes: Fantasy Collection
  • Borough Bound: Crabwell
  • The Kinemancer: Ambiance

Futures Deck + Backer Box Backers

  • Airship Campaigns
  • Dark Matter
  • Mark Drummond J: Futures Collection
  • Music D20: Multidimensional

Horror Deck + Backer Box Backers

  • Heliana’s Guide: Dream Weaver Hunt
  • Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed
  • CZEPEKU Maps: Horror Collection
  • Music D20: Shadows
  • James’ RPG Art: Curse of Strahd

Modern Deck + Backer Box Backers

  • Music D20: Atmospheres
  • The Kinemancer: Weather

Dystopia Deck (Backer Box Backers Only)

  • Rultmoork
  • Historica Arcanum: City of Crescent
  • Treacherous Traps
  • CZEPEKU Maps: Dystopia Collection
  • Music D20: Strike!
  • The Kinemancer: Chaos

Content Deck Tier Backers & Above

  • Ruins of Symbaroum: Gamemaster’s Guide (Alchemy Enhanced)

Ruins of Symbaroum Add-On

  • Ruins of Symbaroum: Player’s Guide
  • Ruins of Symbaroum: Bestiary

IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be sending individual redemption codes for every title offered on the campaign (82 total codes). That’s a lot of manual redemption, but fear not! We will also be sending out codes for individual decks once those titles are ready to fulfill. Redeeming a deck code will redeem all 10 titles within it. That means you do not need to redeem every code individually.

Why are we sending individual codes in advance?

  1. With almost 100 titles offered on the campaign, many backers are receiving content they either do not want or already own in some capacity. Receiving individual codes enables you to gift unwanted titles to a friend instead.
  2. We want to get rewards into your hands as soon as humanly possible. Releasing codes in waves as they become available means you don’t have to wait for the entirety of your deck to be available to get started on Alchemy.

When can you expect the next wave of titles?

We’re planning to send a new wave of codes every two weeks from this point forward. As of today, we have every title offered on the campaign converted to Alchemy in the form of a Content Universe. However, some of those titles still either have 1) Alchemy Enhanced assets or 2) game system support that needs to be completed.

What can you expect in Wave 02?

We’re so excited to roll out some of our first non-5e supported game systems on Alchemy. Here is what we know we’ll be delivering in Wave 02, with several more not mentioned that we’re aiming for:

  • Mörk Borg (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Pirate Borg (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Kids on Bikes Second Edition (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Scarlet Citadel (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Humblewood Tales (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Vast Grimm (Alchemy Enhanced)
  • Beneos Animated Battlemaps
  • Mazes
  • Badgequest
  • CZEPEKU Sci-Fi Maps: Futures Collection (FKA Hyperdrive Fleet)
  • Steinhardt’s Guide to the Eldritch Hunt

What about (insert your favorite game here)?

Integrating a game system on Alchemy is so much more than just building support for a character sheet. We’re building integrated mechanical automations, character builders, custom dice, and bespoke mechanics to make these games feel like they were made for Alchemy. For some games, that takes significantly more time to accomplish; and we have incredibly high standards!

I can say that we’re aiming for Wave 03 to be loaded with many of your favorite Free League games, which includes many of the Alchemy Enhanced titles offered on the campaign.

Physical Reward Prototypes

We’re so excited to reveal the first look at the physical rewards offered on the campaign: The Backer Box and the thematic card decks!

Click the image to take a look inside

The Backer Box is stunning! The box itself is incredibly sturdy, wrapped in a matte finish with accented spot gloss. We don’t want to spoil the surprise of what’s inside by posting all of the photos here, so if you’d like to see the card decks and the cards themselves (with foil finishes), click here!

We have a few small tweaks to send back to the manufacturer but nothing that will keep these babies from entering full production in the coming weeks.

The Alchemy Devlog: Episode 19

If you’d like to dive deeper into what we’re working on now and what we’ll be working on next, join Isaac (our lead developer) as he walks you through feature demos, V1 progress, and answers questions from the community. 

Don’t forget, you can submit your own questions to be answered on the Devlog here

Back Ryoko's Guide Today!

Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms

We’re incredibly stoked to be partnered with the fine folks at Loot Tavern to be bringing an Enhanced version of Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms to Alchemy next year! This campaign just went live yesterday and is already smashing through stretch goals.

And you can play through the demo adventure on Alchemy today!


If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, we want to hear from you! Join the thousands of Alchemy supporters in our Discord Community, or you can always reach us directly at [email protected].

That’s all for now!


Orders Locked, Preorders Closed, What’s Next, Title Rollouts, & More!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 09:47:15 AM

Hey Backers,

It’s officially September, which means it’s time to begin the fulfillment process and start connecting you with those sweet Alchemy rewards! We’ll start by rolling out Backer Accounts and Unlimited account benefits for those who want to jump in now and start playing games, then move into fulfilling titles and game systems as they’re completed.

Let’s dive in…

Orders Locked

The Alchemy V1 pre-order store is now closed! That means, if you’re reading this, that you’re a part of a special few who supported us from the start and will forever be minted into the foundation of our platform. (Thank you again!)

We’ve also locked orders, which means that you will no longer be able to change your pledge. You will still be able to change your shipping address up until we lock addresses, which will happen closer to fulfilling physical rewards. This also means that with an exact order count, we can give our manufacturer the specifications they need to finish production, determine (the lowest) shipping rates, and start planning for distribution. – More on that in a future update.

Most importantly, Order Lock means we can start sending you codes! Starting this Tuesday (9/5) we will begin sending Alchemy Unlimited and Backer Account codes via BackerKit. You will receive an email when your codes are ready. Keep in mind that we plan to start with a small smoke test first, to ensure everything is working smoothly. If you don’t receive a code on Tuesday, it’s likely a day or two behind, so don’t fret!

What’s Next?

We’re now hard at work fighting the logistical bear that is global fulfillment! We have a great head start with our partners at Floship and hope to have that sorted in the next couple of weeks, where we’ll then charge cards for pre-orders, post-campaign add-ons, and shipping.

We’ll be sure to give you plenty of heads up before we reach that milestone, so keep an eye on your inbox (or join our Discord) for more updates.

Title Rollouts

We have an absolute treasure trove of content in the hopper, nearly ready to digitally fulfill to your Alchemy accounts. We plan to start by rolling out Kids on Bikes and a collection of your favorite Borg games: Pirate Borg, Vast Grimm, and of course, Mörk Borg. These, among other systemless titles, will be available as digital redemption codes distributed via BackerKit over the coming weeks.

Keep an eye on your inbox, Discord, and here on Kickstarter for those fulfillment announcements, as well as biweekly progress reports a la the Alchemy Devlog, on how the remaining system development is going.

We’ve been so busy over the past 6 months and can't wait for you to see what we’ve been building. Take note, Alchemy, as well as the systems we build, are perpetually in development and your feedback is critical to us, especially in these earlier days. Our aim is to make Alchemy the absolute best way to experience the games we support. If you have ideas, feedback, or critiques on how we can improve, reach out to us! We want to hear from you.

Alchemy Merch

Looking for more Alchemy goodies? – To celebrate the release of Version One, we’re now shipping the Alchemy 2023 Merch Collection! Inside, you’ll find a cache of Alchemy branded goodness, including:

  • Alchemy Emblem Enamel Pin
  • 14” x 24” Playmat
  • $25 Gift Card
  • CZEPEKU Scenes Collectible Cards (Digital Content)
  • Partnered Publisher Postcards
  • Alchemy Logo, Wordmark & Emblem Stickers

Also, just in time for the upcoming holiday season, give your forever GM (or your players) the gift of Alchemy with physical Alchemy Gift Cards, redeemable for content on the Marketplace or Unlimited subscriptions.

Head on over to the Alchemy Merch Shop to get yours today, while supplies last!

Thanks so much for the continued support and excitement!

The Alchemy Team

Alchemy Devlog - Episode 18: Selectable Game Themes, Account Updates, In-Game Search, and more!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 09:16:59 AM

Hey Backers,

In an effort to keep you more informed on our Version One development progress, we'll be posting our bi-weekly devlogs here going forward. 

In this episode, join Isaac (Alchemy Co-Founder and lead developer) as he demos the features of the latest release, including:

  • Selectable Game Themes
  • Account Management Updates
  • In-Game Universe Search
  • Pirate Borg Character Creation

Do you have a question that you'd like Isaac to answer in the next episode of the Devlog? Submit it here:

See you in the next one!

The Alchemy Team

Last chance to late pledge, Enhanced assets, system progress, and more!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 02:18:02 AM

Hey Backers,

The Alchemy team is hard at work on delivering Version One, creating incredible immersive assets for our Enhanced games, and fulfilling all of the exciting rewards from the campaign. If you still need to make changes to your pledge, make sure you do it now! We’ll be closing the pledge manager in 11 days!

Let’s dive into the updates…

BackerKit is Closing Soon

September is right around the corner and many of you are already playing games on Alchemy and making preparations for your upcoming campaigns. In order to get you your Alchemy Unlimited codes, we need to lock orders and close the preorder store first.

Orders will lock on Friday, September 1 at 5pm PST!

If you’re still waiting to make changes to your pledge, add add-ons, or tell your friends about the campaign, this is your last chance! Once orders lock and the preorder store closes you won’t be able to make any further changes to your pledge and Lifetime Unlimited will never be offered again.

The day orders lock, we’ll begin trickling out rewards over the weeks that follow, starting with Alchemy Unlimited codes and Backer Accounts. You’ll receive one code that you can redeem on a new or existing account to claim your Unlimited benefits and Backer Account status.

Backer Boxes & Content Decks in Production

Our incredible print partners at Grand Prix International (GPI) are officially in production on Backer Boxes and content decks. For those receiving physical rewards, we absolutely cannot wait for you to receive them. These boxes are going to be gorgeous!

For the final order, we made several upgrades. In the box, your card decks will come nestled in an ultra premium, felted foam insert and all Enhanced cards will come with an iridescent foil coating. Deck boxes will come with UV spot gloss and all cards will have a bronze foil heat stamp. We should have some photos to share with you from the factory soon, so stay tuned for that.

Alchemy Enhanced Assets

We’ve been making great progress on creating motion and audio assets to supplement our Alchemy Enhanced titles. Currently we have 10 of 21 asset suites completed and our team is moving at break-neck speeds on the backlog. We also have a super excited surprise to share with you soon regarding dynamic audio controls (look for that in our next update).

For now, we’d like to share a few demos from some of our favorite Free League games: Coriolis, Ruins of Symbaroum, Vaesen, Dragonbane, and Tales From the Loop. – Note, this is alpha footage from our staging games. Music, sound design, and motion graphics are not final.


Ruins of Symbaroum



Tales From the Loop

Game & Universe Theming

This past week we made some great headway on theming games and Universes! Custom fonts, colors, and graphics were all things we needed access to in order to build bespoke themes for each of the Alchemy Enhanced titles. After digging into the implementation details, we decided to open Custom Themes up to everyone and make it a default Alchemy feature!

Take a closer look with Isaac in the latest episode of the Devlog. While you’re there, check out the system integration for Kids on Bikes:

Kids on Bikes & MÖRK BORG

Speaking of game system integration, after wrapping up Kids on Bikes and several improvements to 5e, we’re currently neck deep in all things BORG! – MÖRK BORG, Vast Grimm, and a complete refactor of our Pirate Borg integration are in the works as we speak.

Be on the lookout for this first batch of games hitting your inbox soon!

Update Schedule

As we begin to enter the fulfillment stage, we’ll be dropping updates for you here twice monthly to share our progress. The first update of the month will be much like this one: demos, physical production progress, dates, and estimates.

The second will be a deep dive with Isaac via the Alchemy Devlog, where you’ll see in depth demos of the features we’re shipping week-to-week as we build toward Version One. If you haven’t subscribed to our YouTube channel yet, what are you waiting for?!

Devlogs drop every other Friday following code deploys. Subscribe here:

And if biweekly just isn’t giving you your Alchemy fill, join us on Discord!

Other Cool Stuff

Lastly, we’re so excited to share some of the incredible projects that some of our partners are working on right now. Each of these amazing titles are coming to Alchemy, so check them out and get your Alchemy library right!

Active Kickstarter Campaigns

Obojima: Tales From the Tall Grass

A Studio Ghibli & Legend of Zelda-inspired campaign setting for D&D 5E. Create your own unforgettable narrative in this familiar world.


A full-length campaign mystery book for Badge Quest for both new and experienced players and gamemasters.

Eat the Reich

The year is 1943. You are a team of crack vampire commandos with one mission: drink all of Hitler's blood.

Upcoming Campaigns

Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms - A 5e Tome

D&D enhanced: Kaiju battles, combo attacks, new mechanics, and player options inspired by Sekiro, Avatar, and yokai legend.

Historica Arcanum: Era of the Crusades

5th Edition's Historical Fantasy Universe has returned: Uncover Two Grand Sourcebooks & Explore Jerusalem and Cairo of the Crusade Era!

The Fablemaker’s Deck of Many Things for 5e

An Oracle for Fate and Future using the infamous Deck of Many Things with art by Eisner Nominated artist Yoshi Yoshitani. Coming Soon!


See you in the next one!

Chris & the Alchemy Devs

Surveys Incoming & Late Pledges!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 05:27:05 PM

Hey Backers,

We’ve been hard at work since the conclusion of the campaign getting our pledge manager set up, and I’m stoked to let you know, BackerKit surveys are on their way! Once you receive yours, you’ll be able to modify your pledge, add additional items to your order, and provide your shipping details.

Let’s dive into a few important details…


Like many campaigns you may have been a part of in the past, we’ll be waiting to charge for shipping until we’ve received your pledge, closed the pre-order store, and have the final packaging details we need to get an accurate shipping quote. This is to make sure we don’t over (or under) charge for shipping costs. For shipping estimates, check out the bottom of our Kickstarter Story page.

Opting Out of Physical Rewards

If you pledged for a content deck or bundle and you’d rather not pay for shipping and just want to receive digital codes for your pledge rewards, you’ll have the ability to do so by choosing the (DIGITAL ONLY) option on the first survey question:

If you do want those sweet sweet collectable cards, then choose the (PHYSICAL + DIGITAL) option.

Don’t worry, you will also receive digital codes in addition to your physical rewards if you choose this option. You will not have to wait for your cards to arrive in order to redeem any of your digital rewards.

Lastly, please note that surveys are sent in waves. If you haven’t already received your survey, fear not! It’s coming.

Upgrading Your Pledge

Upgrading (or downgrading) your pledge is super easy, but also easy to miss where to do it. On the first page of your survey, click the link that says, Switch your pledge level.

Once you do, you’ll see a pop-up that allows you to select which pledge tier you’d like to switch to. If you upgrade your pledge, you’ll have an extra balance to pay at the end of the survey. If you downgrade, you’ll have a credit to spend in the add-on store.


All of the same add-ons that were offered on the campaign are also available in the add-on store. There you’ll also be able to add additional content decks, Backer Boxes, or any of the unlocked stretch goal cards; because it’s never too early to stock up on holiday gifts, right?!

Be sure to check your order summary to make sure you have exactly what you want before hitting that NEXT button. If you backed at the Content Deck ($50) or higher, you should see all 7 unlocked Alchemy Enhanced stretch goals in your cart. These will be shipped as banded cards with your physical rewards and delivered as digital redemption codes.

Remember that all Alchemy Enhanced cards come with the Core Rulebook (or equivalent) for each of the titles. If you’d like to get the complete collection of say, Mutant Year Zero, that add-on is available at 30% off the retail price.

The Complete Collection Bundles come with every Alchemy Module (sans the Core Rulebook) that will be available at the Version One launch in September. Those add-ons come in the form of digital redemption codes that will be sent during fulfillment with the rest of your codes.

Late Pledges

Do you have a friend who missed the campaign? For a limited time, we’ll be accepting late pledges through our BackerKit preorder store. Here’s how to get there:

Have Questions?

Kickstarter can be a lot of information. We get it! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Leave a comment, email [email protected], or join our incredible community on Discord.

Other Cool Stuff

If you’re looking for even more incredible Alchemy content, be sure to check out the Broken Tales: Lost Stories Kickstarter, now in its final week! Broken Tales will be coming to Alchemy this Winter with the Lost Stories expansion to follow upon its release.

Also, don’t miss the brand new co-op hack & slash action RPG, Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults, from our friends at Paizo and BKOM Studios, now in their final 2 weeks on Kickstarter!

Talk soon!
